Our work to end intimate partner violence.

  • Our Partners: Beloved Survivors Trauma Recovery Center, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence and California Department of Emergency Services.

  • The Goal: End violence by showing how the community can step in and assist in prevention. Educate on how California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) can be used to have weapons removed from violent homes.

  • The Strategy: We created a public education campaign that included 3 films, photography and multiple social media assets. The films humanized the stories of those effected by violence and showed how the justice involved population can become a part of the solution.

  • The Wins: We raised awareness by doubling the Instagram audience of Beloved Survivors within 30 days of our campaign start. The trend continued to almost triple the audience within 3 months. Beloved survivors is now equipped with strong story based films for their website, grant application and speaking events.

We highlighted the prevention work of Tina Rodriguez with the incarcerated population who shared their lived experience with us and confirmed that the presence of a gun within the home increased the likelihood of violence.

Sensitizing humanity through storytelling.

Calley Jean Trout was murdered by her husband Julio Garay in 2020, while shielding her three children from bullets. The violence within the home was ongoing and she knew that by attempting to escape that she would likely be killed. But her love for her children and hope for a better future for them, gave her the courage to escape.

ESPAÑOL - Dos personas sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica comparten su experiencia al recibir apoyo de BSTRC. Animan a otros a buscar seguridad y curación cuando la necesitan.

Los inmigrantes enfrentan obstáculos adicionales cuando intentan escapar de la violencia. Sin embargo, hay ayuda disponible y las autoridades no castigarán a quienes la soliciten.

ENGLISH - Two survivors of domestic violence share their experience receiving support from BSTRC. They encourage others to seek safety and healing when they need it. Immigrants face additional obstacles when trying to escape violence. However, help is available and authorities will not punish those who ask for it.

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Autumn Payne
Director / Cinematographer

Tamara Knox
Ethics Advisor / Photographer / Social Media Strategist

Tina Rodriguez
Executive Producer

Dorsey Griffith
Researcher / Interviewer

Sarah Potter